Our Family

Our Family
Courtesy of Christy Rossi Photography

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tye and His Time-Out

Tye is definately in that terrible two's phase.  He does better when he doesn't have refined flours, sugar or processed food, but eating right does not make him perfect and this was just too cute not to record.  Kirk is such a good dad and this video of them talking through the time out proves it.  Its kinda funny though because he's about to get out of time out and starts into another tantrum that Kirk talks him down from.

I had just cleaned up their room and then they threw a bunch of stuff on the floor about 5 minutes later, so just ignore the mess.  I guess not being able to keep up with the tornado 3 kids leave behind of mess is part of a growing family, it'll be nice when I can figure out maintaining our cleaning schedule in a way that I don't feel behind all the time with the kids.  Someone recently told me that with every kid it just gets harder and more impossible to keep up with the kids and the house, but I totally believe its possible, and I'm sure gonna put in my best shot at it.  :)

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